Square Insertion

I wanted to do just a quick pattern today so I picked out the small square insertion on page 6 of the first Priscilla book.  I liked the right angles you get by joining all the chains up in one spot on the center.  I also liked that it worked up pretty quickly with the thread left on my shuttle from the earlier rose motif.  Here’s the instructions:


*R  6-2-1-1-4

R 4+2(-1)x4-2-4

R 4+1-1-2-6


Repeat from * 3 times, joining the first ring of each clover to the last ring of the previous clover.  Also join the chains to the first chain at the picot.

This might be the first time I’ve said this with regards to the Priscilla Project, but I didn’t have any changes to the pattern as written.  Well, unless you count the fact that I’m not going to make another 35 of these and sew them to a piece of fabric to use as a centerpiece.  Smaller pieces like this are starting to grow on me, but not enough to do another 35 of them.  I think adding a jump ring and turning this little motif into a pendant will be a fine place to stop.


  1. Gina Said,

    January 19, 2011 @ 7:26 pm

    That square is the center of one of Martha Ess’s small teapots. The stitch count may be different and not as many picots. I’ve seen it used as the basis of other patterns too so I think it’s one of those basic shapes that lends itself well in many directions.

    You don’t want to make 35 of them????

  2. Kelly Said,

    January 19, 2011 @ 7:44 pm

    I love tatting this pattern (and variations thereof).

  3. admin Said,

    January 19, 2011 @ 9:05 pm

    Cool, I’ll have to keep an eye out for it in other patterns.

    Thanks for checking it out. It’s a fun one, I’m just not sure I want to do the whole doily of them. I’m not usually big on making lots of little motifs (too many ends to hide. 🙂 And I don’t think I’d enjoy sewing it all together like in the picture. Maybe after I’d had some practice with some of the other patterns that get sewn on in a similar fashion.

  4. Robert, in northern Iowa Said,

    January 20, 2011 @ 3:52 am

    Love to see the old motifs, and is amazing how when you do them, they seems so familiar. Or is it the new stuff is familiar. I would love to see a tutorial on how to put that motif into or on the linen. It seems when I try something it just does not fit right – so then I just don’t try it. Beautiful work, keep it up.

  5. admin Said,

    January 20, 2011 @ 7:32 am

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the comment. I’m working on the star doily that I wrote about on Monday and will be attaching that to linen when I’m done. I haven’t done much of that before, but after reading the instructions for that one it it might actually be easier than I expected. When I get to that point I’ll be taking lots of pictures of the process but in short you sew it onto a piece of fabric that’s larger than it needs to be and then you cut away the excess.

  6. Sue Said,

    January 20, 2011 @ 8:18 am

    Looks really nice! 🙂

  7. admin Said,

    January 20, 2011 @ 8:30 am

    Thanks Sue!

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