Looking for Website Inspiration

I’m planning on re-doing snapdragonlace.com to be more of a website than just a blog.  I’m still in the planning stages, listing all the things I’d like it to have, figuring out the set up of the pages and links and picking out a format.  I’ve been paying a lot more attention to the websites of other designers and pulling ideas from what I like about them.

Here’s three of my favorites:

Gertie’s New Blog for Better Sewing. – This is a straight blogger blog, but I like the layout.  I especially like the pictures on the left as you scroll down that take you through her projects from Vogue’s New Book of Better Sewing.

Sheep to Shawl from Donna Druchunas – Full-blown website and a little more like what I’m thinking of as far as the overall website goes (separate pages, etc)

I Am The Lab – This is another full website.  I don’t think my front page would be quite so picture heavy, but I like the layout of their links at the top.

I found the first two of these websites through the Craftsy classes they’re teaching.  When I get some more time I may take Donna’s class on knitting socks.  One day maybe I’ll get to sewing.  I definitely like Gertie’s take on modernizing the old designs.

Part of the point of this blog entry is just to get these websites down in one place where I can find them later, but I’m also looking for ideas.  So, Dear Readers, my question for you is what makes a good website for you?  What do you find appealing and what makes a website easier to navigate?  Have any favorites?  Obviously, it doesn’t have to be tatting related, but it really doesn’t have to be even design related either.  Brainstorming time.  🙂


  1. Jane McLellan Said,

    April 3, 2012 @ 2:30 am

    Hmm, easy to navigate; pictures are good, but not so big or so many that they take a long time to download; regularly updated. I hope that helps!

  2. admin Said,

    April 3, 2012 @ 9:48 am

    Thanks Jane!

  3. BT Said,

    April 4, 2012 @ 10:36 am

    Thanks for mentioning my site. There are a lot of great free templates out there for websites. Try Wpshower.com and Dessign.net

  4. admin Said,

    April 5, 2012 @ 7:33 pm

    Thanks BT! Both those sites look like they have a lot of good themes.

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