First Connector Piece Done!

In the interest of keeping the pain in my wrist down I haven’t been doing much tatting this week.  I’ve been REALLY wanting to pick up the shuttle and thread, but I decided that all I would allow myself to tat this week was this, the first of the two connector pieces for the shawl.  So far it looks good, though there wasn’t really any chance of this part not working.  The problems will come up when I put the next connector on and then try to do the edgings around the whole thing.

Sorry for the boring post.  Not much to report this week tatting-wise.  Just trying to keep it easy on my wrist.  I’ll probably tat up the second connector this weekend and get started on the border next week.


  1. Diane Said,

    August 19, 2011 @ 2:53 pm

    I totally understand resting your wrist! I’ve been taking it easy for almost four weeks now. It just doesn’t pay to get too carried away with any one task.

  2. Sue Said,

    August 22, 2011 @ 2:55 am

    Beautiful! 🙂

  3. admin Said,

    August 22, 2011 @ 7:21 am

    Diane, Yeah. It’s hard, but I’m trying to go really slow with this. I keep thinking of all the other projects I want to work on too, but I’m trying to just pick one part of one project at a time and give myself a timeline for that. It’s helping me to not get too carried away.

    Thanks Sue!

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