Third Round!

I finished the last circle of the third round during my lunch break at work.  It’s such a bright orange!  I’m going to mix it up with a bit of yellow in the next round.  Should help to even it out a bit.

I’m thinking that in the next one I make I’ll do the different circles in different colors based on the number of rings they have.  It might make it easier to keep track of if you’re trying to make the pattern yourself.  Especially in the next section which is circle on circle on circle and (I think) each of different sizes.

Hmmm…. Kinda looks like the start of an octopus.  I’ll have to keep that idea in mind.


  1. Sue Said,

    January 31, 2012 @ 7:15 pm

    Very interesting tatting! 🙂

  2. admin Said,

    January 31, 2012 @ 7:22 pm

    Thanks! It’s a fun one to do. And the motifs are so small they don’t take long. It’s nice to have so many little milestones in a piece. Won’t be as much fun when I do it for “real” rather than just this test and have to actually hide all the ends, but I’m enjoying it right now.

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